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You may find some very nice Roman shades that are reasonable and can be used in
lieu of curtains as a trim. Remember, the backyard has become an extension of the
home. Remember the more people who view your home, the better chance you have in
selling it.Replace bathroom fixtures with the newer ones ?Hollywood lights are out. These may sound
like minor issues, but to the home buyer, they?re touring your home with a magnifying
glass and a white glove. I wouldn?t suggest changing your countertops to granite or changing
the kitchen cabinets as that would be very expensive and may not be compensated unless
you are doing a total renovation.Make sure your realtor is marketing your home with brochures,
advertising, open houses, and flattering PHOTOS on the MLS. Put some candles on your patio
table and accentuate with lots of plants surrounding the patio.Blinds, plantation shutters, and Roman shades
are in. Be aware that bright colors or children's colors may be a turn-off to
new buyers. In some cases, you can even use beautiful silk floral pieces in large
pots as long as they look real!Varnish or paint the entrance door with subtle colors
such as black, burnt brown, gray, forest green, or white. Just hide them in the
dishwasher.Dare to be open enough to get opinions from your friends, neighbors, and realtor. Cut
and trim the grass often for a fresh, clean smell.People want to imagine their families
living in their future home and you have the ability to set the stage. It's
very important to have those beds fixed in the morning too! Clean the sliding glass
door tn requin to the patio as well as the patio furniture. Begin your evaluation by writing
down everything you notice that could improve your property in the slightest way. The cheery
greeting your home gives to people will give them an immediate impression as to how
they FEEL about your home. It may be difficult to really put on your objective
glasses, but if you can, you will be surprised of how accustomed we become to
that broken gate, the damaged garage door, or the garden hose that isn?t rolled up.
Make sure the bathtub is scrubbed clean as well as shower stalls. Curtain panels from
the high ceilings will serve as a window treatment and add elegance or magnitude to
your room also.Make sure your kitchen and bathrooms are always clean and remember that homebuyers
will look in your pantry and closets. If you have a bar, place plastic glasses
and trays as though you were ready to have a party. If you don?t have
a covered patio, you may want to make a small investment by buying a canvas
cabana that warms the heart and sets a romantic mood. People are looking for space
so you want to do whatever it takes to make your home look open and
spacious.If you feel that your bottom line can handle more expensive upgrades to compete against
other newer homes, you may want to replace old carpeting with 18" tile and new
carpeting in the bedrooms with a thick pad. This is a big, emotional purchase for
the homebuyers so make your home stand out and shout ? WELCOME HOME!Doris Piña is
a successful Nike Tn licensed realtor in Las Vegas, Nevada and offers buyer-seller resources at [http://www.LasVegasHomeSellingTeam.com].
Ask if they have any suggestions as to how to arrange your furniture and be
willing to give it a try to see how it looks. Show off your BBQ,
patio furniture or children's play area in a way that they feel their own family
would enjoy.If you have a pool, have the pool guy come over so your pool
is sparkling clean. Have you ever why some homes sell faster than others? It could
be the very same model in the same neighborhood, and one home moves quickly whereas
some just remain on the market with disinterested buyers. First impressions and anticipation of walking
into your ?dream house? begins here.The first thing people notice is if the home is
bright and cheery. The least expensive, but most popular choice, is to replace your verticals
or outdated mini-blinds with wooden blinds. Paint your walls with neutral colors such as beige
or off white.Take out the clutter, garbage, stinky shoes, and put your dirty clothes in
the hamper. They?re easy to install yourself and will make a big difference in the
overall look of the home. Any excuse you give them NOT to view your home
will lower your numbers. Buy some Tahiti candle torches for a tropical look. Their perspective
may make a big difference in your entire floor plan. Keep your home smelling fresh
and clean that doesn't repel the prospective homebuyer.Flooring is one of the most important features
homebuyers will judge. Never leave dirty dishes or pots and pans in the sink. The
last thing homebuyers want to do is walk into a dark hole and depend on
a realtor to turn on (and off) the lights and open (and close) all the
blinds or shades. Here are some tips to stage your home to not only sell
it, but to get top dollar.First, examine your home from the curbside as though you
had never seen it before. If you have pets, be sure to pack away all
their toys and dog foot or kitty litters. She also is the publisher and
webmaster at [http://www.DorisJeanPina.com] providing information and sources to develop entrepreneurial skills in a successful and
productive way. Here are some inexpensive, easy tips to enhance your home and get top
dollar!Be sure to replace or trim trees and plants and try livening up your garden
with some colorful, fragrant flowers near the entrance. If you have a screen door, consider
purchasing one of the newer models and make sure the latch works for easy entry.
Clean the carpet and don?t request that buyers take off their shoes. You can always
fake it by cleaning the sinks every morning before leaving for work and wiping down
the mirrors if there are any noticeable spots. Buy a new shower curtain, if necessary
and caulk around tiles in the shower and tub. If you?re home is older, replace
the old door with a glass entrance door. Do everything in your power to welcome
visitors and keep them there. The home should be complete with bar stools at the
breakfast nook, soft lighting, and nice furniture. She promotes building innovative online businesses with
visual instructional resources and topics of [http://www.dorisjeanpina.com/thesecret].
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