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Credit Crunch Ready Guide to Buy to Let in 2008". Visit a Mortgage Broker in order
to save both your shoe leather and your credit score.New FREE download available at [http://www.uncommonadvice.co.uk]Ross
Taylor is the author of "Mortgages, Money and Magic" and "The No B.S. If you
go to Bank A and are approved in principle for a mortgage, a "footprint" will
be left on your report. Now, as far as I am aware, the banks are
not privy to any knowledge that we ourselves cannot see on our report, the only
difference is that they look at things in a different way. A good broker will
be able to compare rates and criteria amongst lenders in order to make a recommendation
for a product that you are actually likely to be able to get.Secondly, the 3.4
million people who have been declined are perhaps unaware of the damage they have done
to their credit score. Therefore in order to make sure for certain that nike pas cher you are
going to get the best deal, you'd have to traipse around all the banks on
the High Street, scour the financial supplements in the Sunday Papers and surf the net
for hours. Two good recent examples I can think of this are when HSBC offered
to help out stranded Northern Rock customers, but failed to mention the huge arrangement fee
on their loans; and also when Nationwide advertised that they didn't levy a Higher Lending
Charge, but didn't mention that those with a small deposit are charger are a much
higher rate than others - meaning that in some cases it would actually be cheaper
to pay an HLC. I was utterly amazed to find out that 3.4million people who
went direct to banks have had their mortgage application declined in the last 18 months.
Banks are very good at hanging large posters in their windows screaming about their new
rates, but a little less good at detailing the small print. tn requin I was in my
early 20s and thought that you had to go to your own Bank in order
to get a mortgage!There are two main reasons why I feel it is better to
visit a Broker as opposed to going directly to your bank.Firstly, a bank adviser will
know their own products but they are unlikely to be completely aware of what everyone
else is doing. Ross is a successful Financial Adviser specialising in First Time Buyers and
Buy to Let. Visiting a broker face to face can cut out this hassle. They
will then change their opinion of you (i.e. Visiting more banks and repeating this process
would eventually mean that Bank F and Bank G are going to say no to
you even if you are making millions!Don't be like the 3.4 million foolish people out
there. The majority of mortgage seekers in the UK do so through a broker, whether
it be an IFA, or Estate Agency based.This tends to be an informed decision. the
credit score they give you) in kind. Even if you were to take the long
route, you'd still have no guarantee that you'd get a mortgage. First and foremost I
was amazed that so many people went direct to their banks. The only time I
myself have went straight to my bank for mortgage advice was only when I didn't
know any better. If, then, a couple of weeks later you go to Bank B
to be approved, they will note that you have already been to Bank A, and
make the assumption that as you are applying with them, that you must have been
declined by the first bank. The first thing that a bank do when they are
considering you for a mortgage is take a look at your Credit Report. Let's think
like a bank for a second. He owns over £2million worth of property in the
UK and regularly gives lectures on Financial Planning..

