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$500C. Why did he ban it?A. Rochester, New YorkA. RugbyD. New JerseyB. JapanB. No one
knows for sure, but rugby is much older than 1823A. $1000D. FootballB. 200 A.D.D. It
interfered with military preparednessQQ: King Edward III prohibited soccer in 1365 because of its excessive
violence and for military reasons playing took time away from archery practice. The game was
already incredibly popular in the 14th century despite being prohibited by King Edward III. 26,
1863, in London, 11 clubs met to form the Football Association, which laid the foundations
for the nearly 140 modern national associations. The Indians called the game bagataway, but the
curved stick resembled a bishop's crosier, or la crosse in French, from which the sport
takes its name.4. Which state hosted the first professional football game?A. Formal rules and distinctions
among players of the game did not emerge until the late 19th century. The Rugby
School in EnglandQQ: Whether in legend or in fact, rugby is said to have originated
in 1823 at the Rugby School in England. Field hockeyA. New YorkD. American football slowly
evolved in the 19th century. So many football matches result in fisticuffs where people are
"socked" outB. What sport, which was a prelude to this popular pastime, was banned at
Harvard in 1860?A. A few monthsB. SoccerC. It interfered with military preparednessC. In 1869, two
New Jersey universities, Rutgers and Princeton, played what is considered the first intercollegiate game in
the United States of what sport?A. Who invented the game?A. in China, where a form
of the game was played that emphasized the ability of players to dribble a leather
ball. Rugby and U.S.-style football developed out of the division that came with decisions to
prohibit certain actions in soccer, such as handling the ball, tackling with the arms, and
hacking.14. 200 B.C.QQ: The earliest evidence of soccer dates from about 200 B.C. requin tn Soccer evolved
from centuries of different ball games, but the modern-day version of soccer is known to
have started in England, and the first ball reportedly was the head of a dead
Danish brigand. Huron IndiansQQ: In 1636 a Jesuit missionary in North America observed Huron Indians
playing a game with a hide-covered ball carried and hurled from a curved stick with
a pouch at the top. In what century did formal rules and distinctions among players
of the game of soccer emerge?A. There were 25 players on each side, and the
scoring was decided by goals, not touchdowns, conversions, and field goals. Before long, other universities
began taking up the game Columbia in 1870, followed by Yale 2 years later.13.
A stone marker at the gates of the school commemorates the event when "William Webb
Ellis with a fine disregard for the rules of football as played in his
time, first took the ball in his arms and ran with it." The game being
played was soccer, the ancestor of both rugby and American football.5. PennsylvaniaC. The Greeks and
Romans also participated in a variation of soccer that permitted ball carrying.10. Field hockeyD. BritainC.
500 B.C.B. CanadiansB. RomeD. Which of these is NOT one of them?A. 17th centuryB.
The English organized the game, which they called hockie and the French called hoquet, and
instituted most of the modern rules. Introduced to the game by the British Army, India
later adopted it as its national sport?A. Slang for ball in ItalianC. Field hockeyB. A
few daysC. Which country has the most players?A. A few hoursB. However, the game had
become too popular to be curtailed.6. With the advent of a national association in England,
any soccer played under its jurisdiction was called association football. Japan has more rugby
players than any other country, and the game is as popular Tn Requin in Argentina as in
Britain or New Zealand.8. EgyptB. 20th centuryC. Football made its first appearance at the intercollegiate
level. 500 A.D.B. 19th centuryQQ: Soccer, which evolved from centuries of different ball games, did
not always allow only the goalkeepers, or goalies, to use their hands to touch the
ball. OhioB. ArgentinaA. LacrosseC. 1. SoccerC. Muncie, IndianaD. Lacrosse, an outdoor game in which two
teams using netted sticks compete to throw a ball into the opponents' goal, is similar
in tactics to ice hockey and soccer. What American city is recognized as the cradle
of modern professional football?A. PennsylvaniaQQ: The game was first played with paid players in 1895,
when a team from Latrobe, Pa., hosted a game with a team from nearby Jeannette.15.
RugbyQQ: Any number of theories exist about the evolution of American football, but most historians
agree that it is a modification of the English game of rugby and of soccer.
Rugby is played in more than 80 countries. However, the stick and ball game called
Field Hockey can trace its routes back to three ancient civilizations. The Rugby School in
AustraliaC. How often would typical lacrosse matches last among the Indians?A. FootballQQ: However, the game
they played hardly resembled modern-day football, or even the football that was played at the
turn of the 20th century. A few daysQQ: Lacrosse among the Indians had few rules.
JapanQQ: Just another demonstration of the sport's widespread popularity. Rutgers won that first game, and
Princeton won a rematch a week later. A national sport of Canada, lacrosse has grown
in popularity in the United States, Australia, England, and Ireland. A Scottish parochial school in
the parish of RugbyD. RomeQQ: Field hockey, a stick and ball game related to ice
hockey and lacrosse, originated in ancient Egypt, Persia, and Greece and assumed its present form
after its spread to Europe.3. 200 B.C.C. RugbyB. Association footballQQ: Oct. The Rugby School in
EnglandB. A few weeksD. EnglishC. Saxon word for "head"C. $100QQ: Franchises at $100 each
went to Canton, Cleveland, Dayton, Akron, and Massillon in Ohio; Rock Island, Decatur (George Halas's
Staleys moved to Chicago to become the Chicago Bears before the APFA changed its name
in 1922), and Chicago (Cardinals) in Illinois; Hammond and Muncie in Indiana; Wisconsin; and Rochester,
N.Y.11. How much did franchises sell for?A. RugbyD. Canton, OhioB. When the American Professional Football
Association (APFA) was formed in 1920. GreeceC. $100B. 19th centuryD. As a prelude to what
would become an American game, collegians played rugby, but the sport was so grueling that
it was barred at Harvard in 1860.9. He preferred golf and wanted it to be
more popularB. Where did the sport of rugby originate in 1823?A. Canton, OhioQQ: Today, Canton
is recognized as the cradle of modern professional football. Field hockeyQQ: In the 19th century,
the British Army introduced the game to the Commonwealth countries, and India later adopted the
game as its national sport.12. Chicago, IllinoisC. As time passed the word association was abbreviated
to assoc., which eventually gave way to the word soccer, the game's common name in
North America.Deanna Mascle publishes two Fun Trivia ezines and several blogs featuring Trivia Questions. $5000A.
SoccerC. Where did the name "soccer" come from?A. The Danish brigands lodged a formal protestB.
They would never let him playD. Training was rigorous, and the contests between tribes often
lasted two or three days with scores of players on each side.7. The Pro Football
Hall of Fame, dedicated in 1963, is located there, but the real reason is that
a 1920 meeting led to the formation of the American Professional Football Association.2. 18th centuryC.
IrishC. Association footballD. PoloD. New ZealandD. Huron IndiansD. How far back can we trace soccer's
roots?A. PersiaD. Find more trivia questions at FunTriviaOnline.com.
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