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That being said, you have to pay close attention to a small detail that can make
a tremendous difference in the traffic your article drives to your website. When people enter
a store for a specific item they will go directly to that department in the
store. If you place your article in the wrong category and the article directory accepts
your article, the only way the targeted traffic will find you would be by shear
luck, and this is definitely not what you want!When you start an article marketing plan,
always nike shox nz keep your traffic's thoughts in mind. Place yourself in their shoes and think about
how are they going to find your article, will they find your article intriguing? Will
the article persuade them to click through in your bio box? These are things to
keep in mind when you're working on and think about your article marketing strategy.Jason Bolte
is the owner of the content corner article directory. In order for this to happen
though, there are several things that you, the article marketer, have to pay special attention
to.As an Tn Requin article directory owner I see hundreds of articles every single day and one
of the most neglected things I see is the improper selection of a article category.
This category selection acts as a filter for only sending you the targeted traffic you
seek. The article explains what you can expect if you don't choose your article category
correctly.Article marketing can be an extremely effective way to drive lots of targeted traffic to
your website. Why would they look else where? Getting your article in the correct category
is no different. Article Marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to
your websites. By checking an incorrect category you are effectively stopping a majority of the
targeted traffic from getting to your article and then in-effect your website.Picture article categories like
departments in a store and the article directory as the store. Put your article marketing
strategy to work at thecontentcorner, and check out the new marketerspaceforum for some free gifts
and prizes.Jason Bolte is the owner http://www.thecontentcorner.com, come check us out and our new forum:
http://www.marketersspaceforum.com/ for some free gifts and prizes..
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