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You learn very quickly that being noticed, as a sporting person is sometimes better than being
that good at the sport. You may even need to seek support from a nutritionist
to help you with this important supplement you will require. But I am not surprised
I was told once before that the twins have what it takes to succeed in
this sport and I believed this also. Choosing the right support people is your success
to succeed in both worlds you desire, so be patience and choose wisely it is
your future not the agent or managers.I have learnt with my daughters that the right
answers to questions need to be thought out and properly analysed to the success of
not just them and their careers, but so to have a balance with family and
personal issues also. Too many times these important issues are not taken into account with
top sporting people and the end result is broken relationships, family no longer supporting and
in some cases children are in the middle where they should not be. But remember
you control your own time so if you need to just stop and take a
breath, then do it. They proved early on in their careers and even now that
they have qualities to go places in their nike tn preferred sport of netball. The other thing
about time is giving your self enough of it to relax and recover from all
the training and strict programs you have set up for your self. This does not
mean that I forgot about my other daughters, I gave all my girls what I
had available to give, maybe I did give more to the twins in some cases
but I tried to spread my self around.What can this sport offer?If they are able
to make it into the big time arena of this fast pace technical sport, doors
of opportunity will open that may not other wise be available to them. You can
also learn other important life skills with this opportunity; learning that patience is a virtue
and an art that can benefit you in tough decision making. These players are the
tops in this field of sport and some are even in the national team, so
playing them is the ultimate challenge to a netball player wanting to better them selves.
So if this is apart of what can be offered, then you are looking pretty
good for the future.How do you control your time?Time is one thing you will have
to organize, your time with your career is very important for your success in the
big tn requin time sporting arena. So many more questions will need answers to but I believe
we have prepared well and together we can conquer anything.Leonard GiffordI am a web developer,
single father with daughters who are crazy mad over the game of netball. Netball is
like basketball with no dribbling, no backboard on the ring and you can only take
2 steps with the ball. You will soon find out that there is not enough
time in one day to do everything you set out to accomplish, so being about
dividing it up evenly into what is important to what can wait will be a
challenge in it self. Your training, eating and resting periods will need stringent time keeping.
We have grown as a family through this processes and it has brought us closer
together as a unit, also remembering that there is a goal in sight for them
as well. Netball, netball and more netball that was my new life now for my
twin daughters and my other girls and myself, all the talk at home, in the
car, at friends and family focused on the twins and their netball. Finally the court
is sectioned off into 3 quarters and only one player can run the length of
the court, the other players are limited to 2 or 1 quarter only. The other
attraction is being able to play against the toughest and best players around, testing your
own abilities against them. When you have them in order you will have some guidance
of where you are heading. You can manage your time; do not let it manage
you.What help would be required?I think the help required in most sporting careers is being
able to balance the career with your family and personal responsibilities. There are many agents
and managers who have this ability to help your career ambitions, but there are not
many who can help you with probably the most important ingredient, which is your family
and personal responsibilities that need to be incorporated as well. Learning that being apart of
a strong team with strong team visions is like the same basis a strong family
works on, learning to accept your high and low points and how to combat them
is also a big advantage. Making the correct decision is an understanding that has to
be worked on, there will be correct ones and wrong ones, the trick is to
take both and gel them together to come to a common objective. Lastly netball is
played with 7 on court with 5 subs, where as basketball you play with 5
on court with 5 subs.http://www.hula-with-me.com/how-to-hula.html.

