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This should be the last stage of the event. The engine will slow down to almost
nothing at all, and then all of a sudden you should hear a loud BANG!It
might take longer than you expected or it might happen sooner than you expected; you
never know. Then it should start to slow down, and if you haven't seen this
before you will probably think that it is going to be a dud and nothing
more is going to happen. At this point you need to get the fire engine
involved and have the firemen extinguish the fire before the entire car explodes. Make sure
no one is near the vehicle, and have a fire engine standing by.Nothing will be
unusual at first, but after some time the engine will start to rev really high.
It might run with jerks and sobs or it might run smoothly; it all depends.
Prepare to watch car parts and car accessories never be the same again! Although it
is fun to watch and to guess how long the engine will last before it
dies, do not do this tn requin without permission and experience as it could become dangerous. If
you are doing this on purpose for some reason and you have an audience, ask
people to make guesses at how long the engine will be able to run for.
Once the engine finally gives its last breath of hope before it dies, don't be
surprised to see flames erupt from the engine. Do not let anyone lift the hood
when the flames have begun as that will make the fire worse.So this is what
happens in the event of engine demolition. It all depends.What needs to be done in
order to destroy all car parts as well as any car accessories that may be
in the car is to firstly warm up the engine while making sure that it
is functioning correctly. Once you have it running fully, drain all of the engine coolant
as well as all the engine oil from the car. Yes, I know it sounds
crazy, but if that is what you want to do, this is what must be
done! Depending on the engine of the car, it might nike requin run for only a few
seconds or it can last for minutes. If you are planning to demolish your car's
engine, there are a few things you should expect, some of which include lots of
smelly smoke, sparks, vibrations and even some flames if you leave it long enough. If
you have gotten this far in the engine demolition attempt you are probably going for
close on five minutes now at this stage. Have a stopwatch handy. If you are
lucky the engine will continue to run on the few cylinders that might be left.
It might not even happen at all! Just be prepared for anything and have people
on standby should something go wrong. But the engine will start to run slower and
slower because the bearings are beginning to seize on the crankshafts and the pistons are
starting to get stuck inside the cylinders. If you didn't drain the coolant when you
drained the oil you will have a big mess to clean up, and you surely
do not want that. After the loud bang there should be a few more bangs
as car parts and car accessories are being destroyed, connecting rods are being snapped, and
holes are being punched into the sides of the engine. You can even do this
as an event and use wrecked vehicles from impounds. The result isn't always the same.Smoke
should be seeping from the engine and the gaps in the fenders right about now.
You will start the car and let it run without adding oil to the crankcase.
Once you have drained the oil from the engine, close the hood of the car,
start the engine, and put a brick on the accelerator. The engine should be making
more loud noises soon and the revving just about to surge. As long as you
are not harming anyone or anything and you use an area that will not catch
alight and all goes well, then there should be no problem. Even though it seems
like the engine should die, it is likely to keep running. Make sure you know
what you are doing before you attempt anything.Buy and sell used trucks, auto body parts
[http://www.vehicleride.com/autoparts.php], and reviews at VehicleRide.com..

