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Its a fairly simple proposition really.When you are looking for whatever on the internet, do you
want to stay on a site that looks amateurish, do you want to read articles
that read like they were spun out by an article writing program, full of gibberish,
which essentially tells you nothing.I don't think so, and you will quickly leave the site,
never to return.So it is important that you are able to step back from your
website and take a hard look at it. If someone clicks on a link to
go to your web page and then they quickly click away, the tn requin search engines take
note of this, because it suggests a site that does not contain the quality information
that people are looking for.Also watch out for adding too many flashy bells and whistles
when designing your web pages. What this means is that it is unlikely that you
will be on the first few pages of any internet search results, whenever anyone does
a search for certain phrases or keywords that you may be using.In the end, it
doesn't matter what you think, it only matters what your readers and potential customers think.So
be smart, build up a brain trust of people tn requin who will honestly let you know
what they think, and always remember, especially when doing internet marketing that... How smart do
you think you are?Well, when it comes to the internet and internet marketing, you better
get smart quick and understand that 'Quality Matters'.When I'm writing an article or putting together
a website, I always put myself in the shoes of the other person looking for
information about a particular subject. If you website doesn't load fairly quickly in an internet
browser, the search engines take that into consideration, and generally, it will hurt you organic
rankings. When you think you have it just right, let some friends look at it
and critique it.Just listen, don't argue. Get a fresh, honest perspective.If X amount of people
have a similar critique, you shouldn't just think that it is something they are all
wrong about.Even the best professionals have editors that go over and correct their work.In getting
good search engine rankings, one of the criteria is how long a person, or people
in general stay on your site. 'Quality Matters'.Be FearlessBilly OjaiKeep going till you get there.For
more information and/or if you would like to contact me: http://www.billyojai.comI'm available for all of
your article writing needs..

